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Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (Australia)

Interdisciplinary, Health and Physical Education, Interpersonal Development, Art, Communication

Grade Level
7, 8

The Right Moves

The The Right Moves unit includes an introduction, the learning focus, 6 teaching and learning activities, assessment criteria, and resources.

Unit description from source: In The right moves students work cooperatively in teams to develop, analyze and implement group tactics. Students use cooperative learning tasks to identify, understand and develop key concepts that lead to an appreciation and demonstration of tactics in team games. Students analyse games and collect data to assess their performances. Students are introduced to European handball. They analyze a series of structured physical activities to develop basic attacking and defensive skills that are used in team games including European handball and create a media product that communicates their understanding of rules and tactics to a specific audience.

Stanford Beyond the Bubble

History/Social Studies

Grade Level
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

The Role of Women

This task assesses students’ ability to reason how evidence supports a historical argument. Students must explain how a conservative political cartoon about women's societal roles, and feminist writing by radical feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman, both support the conclusion that many Americans opposed the shift of women's roles from the private sphere to the public.

Resources available for this task include downloadable PDF versions of both the assessment as well as the Rubric with benchmark descriptors. Also included are links to the original primary sources through the Library of Congress.

High Tech High School


Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12

The Senior Year

In this task, multimedia students will create a year long documentary that encompasses the hectic life of senior year.

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Additional Resources: Learning goals, content topics, required materials, CA state standards, timeline, real world connections, student reflections

West Virginia Teach21 Project Based Learning


Grade Level

The Shape of Things to Come

In this task, students will role play as design engineers to come up with a new cardboard design for a toy. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Additional Resources: Standards, evaluations and rubrics, web resources, guide to managing the process

West Virginia Teach21 Project Based Learning

English Language Arts

Grade Level

The Sizzle Project

In this task, students will work in groups to come up with social improvement projects to be presented to local service organizations that will aid in carrying out these proposals.

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Additional Resources: Standards, evaluations and rubrics, daily work log, web resources, guide to mapping the process

GLOBE Classroom Assessment Tools


Grade Level

The Surface Temperature Field Campaign

In the Surface Temperature Field Campaign, students will discover how snow on the ground affects the surface temperature.The main research question that needs to be answered is "How does surface cover affect surface temperature?" Students can set up research studies at their own school such as looking at the difference between paved and unpaved areas, such as a grassy area. More schools are taking surface temperature observations, therefore students can investigate how surface temperature changes between schools. They could look at elevation, latitude and longitude, urban versus rural, proximity to water, etc. There are many research questions possible with surface temperature. Students could also look at how cloud cover or humidity affect the surface temperature.

This task includes:

  1. Surface Temperature Field Campaign Teacher's Participation Guide
  2. Surface Temperature Protocol
  3. Surface Temperature Data Sheet

iEARN Collaboration Centre

History/Social Studies

Grade Level
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

The Teddy Bear Project

The The Teddy Bear Project task aims to foster tolerance and understanding of cultures other than your own. After teachers register, the facilitator matches each class with a partner class. the classes send each other a Teddy Bear or other soft toy by airmail through the normal postal system.  The "bears" will send back diary messages by email or through the iEARN Teddy Bear Forum at least once a week. The students will write the diary messages from the "bears", pretending they are the visiting bears describing their experiences in the new culture. 

High Tech High School


Grade Level

The Toy Factory

In this task, students will create any kind of toy using an electric motor, switch, and battery. This project will culminate in them trying to sell their toy at exhibition. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Student Work: 7 examples
3. Additional Resources: Learning goals, CA state standards, required materials, real world connections

The Historical Thinking Project (Canada)

History/Social Studies

Grade Level
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

The Underground Railroad

In this task, students will participate in an online simulation of the Underground Railroad in order to better understand the historical context of the time. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Additional Resources: Detailed lesson plan, web resources, PowerPoint, activities, student examples

The Historical Thinking Project (Canada)

History/Social Studies

Grade Level

The Ups and Downs of Immigration

In this task, students will explore immigration policy in Canada, how it has changed over time, and whether it is historically considered a positive or negative development. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Additional Resources: Detailed lesson plan, rubric, worksheets


If you would like to recommend additional open-sourced performance task banks to be included in the database, or if you would like to report a broken link, please email Pai-rou Chen.