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Source Task

High Tech High School

Biology, Multimedia, Art, Interdisciplinary

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12

The Blood Bank Project

In this task, students will work in pairs on a collaboration with the San Diego Blood Bank and create a painting and video artistic representation of a researched blood disease.

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Student Work: 1 example
3. Additional Resources: Teacher reflection, student reflection

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Health and Physical Education

Grade Level

The Body

The Body task allows students to demonstrate their knowledge of human anatomy. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resources required for this task are a word card 'The Body' and two pictures in answer booklet.

This task is a part of the Personal Health and Physical Development task series from 2002. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

High Tech High School

Biology, Humanities, Interdisciplinary

Grade Level

The Boneyard Project

In this task, students will explore the similarities between the anatomy and physiology of small animals and humans while also considering the ethics of using animal products.

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Additional Resources: About the author, learning goals, timeline, real world connections

The Math Forum at Drexel


Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12

The Bouncing Ball

In The Bouncing Ball students will explore the idea of exponential decay, and even students who are not yet familiar with the general exponential function should be able to come up with it as they work through the steps of the problem

This task includes:

High Tech High School

Engineering, Mathematics, Science, Interdisciplinary

Grade Level

The Bridge Project

In this task, students will exmplore the PBL learning by working in groups to construct a bridge out of toothpicks alone that will withstand the greatest weight. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Student Work: 11 examples

West Virginia Teach21 Project Based Learning

History/Social Studies

Grade Level

The Budget Board Game

In this task, students will use fiscal knowledge to create a board game that budgets their finances. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Additional Resources: Standards, web resources, checklists, group contract, rubrics, example pictures

Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)


Grade Level

The Captain and Lake Wilmar

In this task, students will go through three performance tasks to explore the ecosystem of Lake Wilmar. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Student Instructions
3. Scoring Rubric
4. Technical Quality Info

Stanford Beyond the Bubble

History/Social Studies

Grade Level
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

The Case of the Clock

This task assesses students' ability to evaluate the relevance of contextual information for determining the motivations of an author. Students must select one fact, and explain how it sheds light on why Edward Curtis altered a photograph of Native Americans before publishing it.  Students with a strong understanding of contextualization will be able to explain how the popular belief that Indians did not understand modern technology might have influenced Curtis's decision to alter the photograph.

Resources available for this task include downloadable PDF versions of both the assessment as well as the Rubric with benchmark descriptors.

The Historical Thinking Project (Canada)

History/Social Studies

Grade Level
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

The Changing Faces of Tourism in Canada

In this task, students will examine photographs and brochures to determine the continuity and change in tourism throughout British Columbia. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Additional Resources: Detailed lesson plan, web resources, rubric, worksheet, photograph

New York Performance Standards Consortium

History/Social Studies

Grade Level

The Civil War: Long Term Causes

In this task, students will research the Civil War and write an essay on their findings.

This task included:
1. Task Description
2. Student Instructions
3. Essay List


If you would like to recommend additional open-sourced performance task banks to be included in the database, or if you would like to report a broken link, please email Pai-rou Chen.