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Source Task

Bowland Maths (UK)


Grade Level
6, 7, 8

110 Years On

This task uses mathematical reasoning to estimate the number of descendants a girl who lived 110 years ago might have today.

This task includes: 
1. Task Description 
2. Teacher Instructions
3. Progression Guide
4. Scored Student Work
5. PowerPoint of Task

Oakland Unified School District History/Social Studies Department

History/Social Studies

Grade Level

11th Grade U.S. History Carnegie Assessment

In the 11th Grade U.S. History Carnegie Assessment from 2012-2013, students will respond to the question, "Is Andrew Carnegie an American hero?". The will write an essay using primary and secondary sources, charts, graphs, political cartoons, and images as their evidence. This task includes nine source documents.

This task also includes:

Oakland Unified School District History/Social Studies Department

History/Social Studies

Grade Level

11th Grade U.S. History Civil Rights Movement Assessment

In the 11th Grade U.S. History Civil Rights Movement Assessment from 2012-2013, students will respond to the prompt, "given the racism that existed throughout the country during the 1950s and1960s, evaluate the various approaches used by different activists in attempts to attain equality for African Americans". They will write an essay using articles, letters, images, and political cartoons as evidence. This task includes background information, nine source documents, and a rubric.

This task also includes 109 Support Materials:

  • Videos
  • Images
  • Cartoons
  • Support Activities
  • Teacher Guides
  • Study Guides
  • Writing resources
  • Letter to teachers

Oakland Unified School District History/Social Studies Department

History/Social Studies

Grade Level

11th Grade U.S. History End-of-Year History Writing Task

In the 11th Grade End-of-Year History Writing Task students will respond to the question "To what extent were the “Great Society” programs, begun in 1964, successful?". They will write an essay using a variety of articles, political cartoons, images, and charts as evidence to support their argument. This task includes resources to help students brainstorm, evaluate sources and evidence, plan their essay, organize their argument, and an argumentative writing checklist.

This task also includes: 

The Oakland Unified School Districted has designed this history assessment to support the literacy goals of the Common Core State Standards.

Oakland Unified School District History/Social Studies Department

History/Social Studies

Grade Level

11th Grade U.S. History Mid-Year History Writing Task

In the 11th Grade U.S. History Mid-Year History Writing Task students will respond to the question "To what extent were Progressive Era reformers, from 1900 to 1920, successful in making the United States a freer and more humane society?". They will write an essay using a variety of articles, documentary film, map, images, and charts as evidence to support their argument. This task includes resources to help students brainstorm, evaluate sources and evidence, plan their essay, organize their argument, and an argumentative writing checklist.

This task also includes: 

The Oakland Unified School Districted has designed this history assessment to support the literacy goals of the Common Core State Standards.

Oakland Unified School District History/Social Studies Department

History/Social Studies

Grade Level

11th Grade U.S. History Philippine-American War Assessment

In the 11th Grade U.S. History Philippine-American War Assessment from 2013-2014, students will respond to the question, "in its war with Spain and expansion into the Philippines, to what extent did the United States demonstrate humanitarian goals and to what extent did it demonstrate concern for its own self-interest?". They will write an essay using articles, speeches, charts, and political cartoons as evidence. This task includes background information and nine documents.

This task also includes 38 Support Materials that include:

  • Powepoint presentations
  • Lessons
  • Activities
  • Timelines
  • Political Cartoons
  • Writing resources

Oakland Unified School District History/Social Studies Department

History/Social Studies

Grade Level

11th Grade U.S. History Reconstruction Assessment

In the 11th Grade U.S. History Era of Reconstruction Assessment from 2002-2003, students will respond to the question, "How successful was Reconstruction in helping African Americans realize their aspirations?". They will write an essay using primary and secondary sources and images as evidence. This task includes background information, instructions, and nine sources.

Oakland Unified School District History/Social Studies Department

History/Social Studies

Grade Level

11th Grade U.S. History Robber Barons vs. Captains of Industry Assessment

In the 11th Grade U.S. History Robber Barons vs. Captains of Industry Assessment students will respond to the question, "were 19th century industrialists 'robber barons' who used unfair business practices for their own gain, or were they 'captains of industry' who contributed positively to American society?". They will write an essay using primary and secondary sources, political cartoons, and images as evidence. This task includes background information and nine sources.

This ask also includes:

Oakland Unified School District History/Social Studies Department

History/Social Studies

Grade Level

11th Grade U.S. History Vietnam War Assessment

In the 11th Grade U.S. History Vietnam War Assessment from 2013-2014, students will write an essay in response to the question, "were the United States' policies and actions (1945-1975) toward Vietnam in the best interests of our country?".

This task includes:

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7

12 Bears

The 12 Bears task allows students to demonstrate their understanding of fractions using counting bears. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resources required for this task are a packet of twelve counting bears and recording book.

This task is a part of the Number & Algebra task series from 2005. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.


If you would like to recommend additional open-sourced performance task banks to be included in the database, or if you would like to report a broken link, please email Pai-rou Chen.