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West Virginia Teach21 Project Based Learning

English Language Arts

Grade Level

Public Service Announcement

In this task, students will create an original PSA for a given foundation. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Additional Resources: Standards, evaluations and rubrics, storyboard checklist, project management log, quiz, web materials, examples of PSAs, project calendar

West Virginia Teach21 Project Based Learning

English Language Arts

Grade Level

Publish My Profile

In this task, students will create an autobiography consisting of a written portion as well as a photo essay.

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Additional Resources: Standards, driving question, evaluations and rubrics, group contract, photo storyboard, checklist

West Virginia Teach21 Project Based Learning

English Language Arts

Grade Level

Read All About It!

In this task, students will research and explore the impact of illiteracy on various age groups. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Additional Resources: Standards, weekly log, thank you letter, evaluations and rubrics, letter writing assignment, web resources, practice presentation sheet

The Reading and Writing Project

English Language Arts

Grade Level

Read Aloud

The Read Aloud performance assessment includes two tasks and will be completed twice, once as a pre-assessment and once as a post-assessment, for a unit on nonfiction reading/information book writing. In Task1, students will listen to a book read aloud and answer questions about what the book has taught them about the subject. They will then sketch a picture and write a response to remember the information they have learned. In Task 2, students will write their own information book to teach others what they know and have learned about the subject.

This assessment includes a rubric.

The Reading and Writing Project

English Language Arts

Grade Level

Read Independently

The Read Independently performance assessment includes two tasks and will be completed twice, once as a pre-assessment and once as a post-assessment, for a unit on nonfiction reading/information book writing. In Task1, students will read a book and ask and answer their questions about the details that they red in the book. They can do this through writing and/or drawing. Students will then discuss the book and share out some of their questions and answers. In task 2, students will write their own information book to teach the important information they have learned. The last page of their book will include a big idea or observation.

This assessment includes a rubric.

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)

Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, Interdisciplinary

Grade Level
9, 10

Reading, Mathematics, and Science Questions

The Reading, Mathematics, and Science Questions include an introduction, 17 reading units, 50 mathematic units, and 34 science units released from the 2000, 2003, and 2006 PISA assessments. The assessments focuses on students' abilities to use their knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges, rather than merely on the extent to which they have mastered a specific school curriculum. 

This task includes:

  • 27 open-ended reading questions
  • 63 open-ended math questions
  • 32 open ended science questions
  • multiple choice questions for reading, math, and science
  • Scoring guide

West Virginia Teach21 Project Based Learning

English Language Arts

Grade Level

Reflections of Heroes

In this task, students will write a reflective essay about themselves and then a thank you note to someone they see as a hero. This will be a multimedia presentation at a dinner honoring their hero. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Additional Resources: Standards, activity log, learning log, evaluations and rubrics, guide to managing the process

West Virginia Teach21 Project Based Learning

English Language Arts

Grade Level

Rock This Town!

In this task, students will create a multimedia presentation that showcases a city's attributes to convince Hard Rock Cafe to open a restaurant in their city. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Additional Resources: Standards, checklist, evaluations and rubrics, research log, 

The Reading and Writing Project

English Language Arts

Grade Level

Second Grade Standards 5 and 8 Assessment

The Second Grade Standards 5 and 8 Assessment includes three tasks using Save Water by Kay Barnham. In Task 1, students will use text features to locate information about saving water. In Task 2, students will use text features to locate information about the term "population". In Task 3, students will read a section of the story independently. They will then determine and explain in writing how the reasons the author makes on certain pages supports his main point.

This assessment includes a rubric.

The Reading and Writing Project

English Language Arts

Grade Level

Seventh Grade Standards 5 and 8

The Seventh Grade Standards 5 and 8 includes two tasks and use King George III. In Task 1, students will write an explanatory essay in which they analyze how the author has structured a specific passage and the effect of that structure on the reader. In Task 2, students will explaining the meaning of a phrase in context of the reading and explain how it connects to the central ideas of the passage.

This assessment includes a rubric.


If you would like to recommend additional open-sourced performance task banks to be included in the database, or if you would like to report a broken link, please email Pai-rou Chen.