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Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)


Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12

Radioactive Decay

In this task, students will investigate and understand the relationship between radioactive decay and half-life. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Student Instructions
3. Scoring Rubric
4. Scored Student Work
5. Technical Quality Info

Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)


Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12

Rain Drops

In this task, students will examine raindrops on various materials used on the outside of buildings. 

This task includes: 
1. Task Description 
2. Student Instructions
3. Scoring Rubric
4. Technical Quality Info

Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)


Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12

Rate Of Cooling Design

In this task, students will design and conduct an experiment that measures the ability of various materials to insulate. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Student Instructions
3. Scoring Rubric

Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)


Grade Level

Rate of Cooling Experiment

In this task, students will design and conduct an experiment that measures the ability of various materials to insulate. This is done along with "Rate of Cooling Design".

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Student Instructions
3. Scoring Rubric

Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)


Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12

Rate of Solvation

In this task, students will explore what factors effect the rate at which a sugar cube will dissolve in water. 

This task includes: 
1. Task Description 
2. Student Instructions
3. Scoring Rubric
4. Scored Student Work
5. Technical Quality Info

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)

Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, Interdisciplinary

Grade Level
9, 10

Reading, Mathematics, and Science Questions

The Reading, Mathematics, and Science Questions include an introduction, 17 reading units, 50 mathematic units, and 34 science units released from the 2000, 2003, and 2006 PISA assessments. The assessments focuses on students' abilities to use their knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges, rather than merely on the extent to which they have mastered a specific school curriculum. 

This task includes:

  • 27 open-ended reading questions
  • 63 open-ended math questions
  • 32 open ended science questions
  • multiple choice questions for reading, math, and science
  • Scoring guide

Stanford Education Assessment Laboratory (SEAL)


Grade Level
6, 7, 8, 9

Rocks and Charts

In this task, students will create a chart that represents rock classifications. 

This task includes:
1. Teacher Instructions
2. Unit Outline
3. Scoring Form

Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)


Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12

Seasonal Change

In this task, students will determine patterns of seasonal growth by examining previous students' data. 

This task includes: 
1. Task Description 
2. Student Instructions
3. Scoring Rubric
4. Scored Student Work
5. Technical Quality Info

High Tech High School

Humanities, Mathematics, Multimedia, Science, Interdisciplinary

Grade Level

Shock and Awe: Projectile Motion in the Crusades

In this task, students will take place in a four week project that will ask them to practice math, write research papers, and develop flash movies relating to the Crusades.

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Student Work: 1 example
3. Additional Resources: A handout, rubric, reflection, learning goals, CA state standards, about the author, teacher reflection

Performance Assessment Links in Math (PALM), Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)

Science, Mathematics, Interdisciplinary

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12

Snell's Law

This task (in PALM and in PALS) focuses on the Transfer of Energy. Students must carry out an experiment to help them determine if Corn Syrup refraction meets Federal standards by using the Snell's Law equation. 

This task includes: 
1. Task Description 
2. Teacher Instructions
3. Scoring Rubric


If you would like to recommend additional open-sourced performance task banks to be included in the database, or if you would like to report a broken link, please email Pai-rou Chen.