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Source Task

Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)


Grade Level
5, 6, 7, 8


In this task, students will design an experiment to explore magnet strengths.

This task includes: 
1. Task Description 
2. Student Instructions
3. Scoring Rubric

iEARN Collaboration Centre

Health Science

Grade Level
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Malaria Elimination in Botswana by 2017

In the Malaria Elimination in Botswana by 2017 task, students will analyze causes, effects, prevention and treatment of malaria in the world over. This task includes possible classroom activities.

iEARN Collaboration Centre

Health Science

Grade Level
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Malaria Elimination in Botswana by 2017

In this task, students in participating schools will research the cause and effects, treatments, etc. of Malaria. They will then present their findings and propose how to move forward with Malaria treatments and prevention. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Additional Resources: Web Resources, classroom activities, photograph

iEARN Collaboration Centre

History/Social Studies

Grade Level
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Marriage Customs Around the World

In the Marriage Customs Around the World task, students will learn about marriage customs all over the world. Students will compare and contrast various marriage customs. Through this project students will arise awareness and understanding about other cultures and know more about other people behavior to achieve tolerance.

World Class Arena Limited (WCAL)


Grade Level
6, 7, 8

Mathematics Example Questions

This task includes two sample math problems from World Class Arena Limited (WCAL). The task includes the answers to the sample questions.

The Math Forum at Drexel


Grade Level
6, 7, 8

Measuring Melons

In Measuring Melons students will use algebra to determine how much a melon weighs.

This task includes:

iEARN Collaboration Centre

Interdisciplinary, Science, History/Social Studies, English Language Arts

Grade Level
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Medicine in My Backyard

In the Medicine in My Backyard task, students will play the role of ethno-botanists to investigate medicinal plants in their communities and read poetry written more than 900 years ago that helps reveal the healing power of plants. Students will gain an awareness of the important purposes of medicinal plants by collecting stories from their communities on how humans have traditionally lived with plants. They will let the (local and global) communities know through several activities why medicinal plants are an essential part of life, so that the natural environments in which they exist must be sustained for the future. Students and their local communities will be able to use their medicinal plants as part of their nature preservation and heritage and will promote this through several activities with their respective communities (seed bank, cultivation, video).

Washington State Classroom- Based Assessments


Grade Level

Meeting Needs and Wants (G6)

In this task students will analyze the methods that societies use to meet the economic needs and wants of citizens. They will then write a paper or make a presentation.

This task includes:

Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)


Grade Level
5, 6, 7, 8

Middle Investigation Test - Atmosphere

This task is from PALS and was previously part of Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)'s Atmosphere Unit. Students will interpret GLOBE data charts and identify data components. 

This task includes:  
1. Student Instructions

Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)


Grade Level
5, 6, 7, 8

Middle Investigation Test - Hydrology

This task is from PALS was previously part of Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)'s Hydrology Unit. Students will interpret GLOBE data tables and plan investigations. 

This task includes:  
1. Student Instructions


If you would like to recommend additional open-sourced performance task banks to be included in the database, or if you would like to report a broken link, please email Pai-rou Chen.