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Source Task

Washington State Classroom- Based Assessments


Grade Level

People on the Move (G6)

In this task students will develop a position on the economic and geographic factors that influenced the movements of two groups of people. They will then write a paper or make a presentation.

This task includes:

High Tech High School


Grade Level

Pompeii: Scenes of Desctruction

In this task students will write, direct, and perform plays based on events happening when Mt. Vesuvius was erupting in Pompeii in 79 AD.

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Student Work: 6 examples
3. Additional Resources: About the author, student reflections, teacher reflections, learning goals, CA state standards, required materials, timeline, real life connections

Performance Assessment Links in Math (PALM), Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)

Science, Mathematics, Interdisciplinary

Grade Level
5, 6, 7, 8

Predator/Prey Relationship

This task (in PALM and in PALS) focuses on the Populations of Ecosystems. Students must analyze given population data and write a paragraph demonstrating their underatandings, and then write a proposal to reduce one animal's population. 

 This task includes: 
1. Task Description 
2. Teacher Instructions
3. Scoring Rubric
4. Scored Student Work
5. Technical Quality Info

Performance Assessment Links in Math (PALM), Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)

Science, Mathematics, Interdisciplinary

Grade Level
5, 6, 7, 8

Probing Under the Surface

This task (in PALM and in PALS) focuses on the Structure of the Earth System. Students must measure and record various lengths in order to determine the shape of the bottom inside of a box.

This task includes: 
1. Task Description 
2. Teacher Instructions
3. Scoring Rubric
4. Scored Student Work

Bowland Maths (UK)


Grade Level
6, 7, 8

Problem Page

In this task, students must examine the presented graph on age gaps in relationships and answer related questions. 

This task includes: 
1. Task Description 
2. Teacher Instructions
3. Progression Guide
4. Scored Student Work
5. PowerPoint of Task

Bowland Maths (UK)


Grade Level
5, 6, 7, 8

Public Transport

In this task, students must write a letter to the newspaper showing that they are able to interpret the survey on transportation provided.

This task includes: 
1. Task Description 
2. Teacher Instructions
3. Progression Guide
4. Scored Student Work
5. PowerPoint of Task

Performance Assessment Links in Math (PALM), Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)

Science, Mathematics, Interdisciplinary

Grade Level
5, 6, 7, 8

Puddles and Soil

This task (in PALM and in PALS) focuses on the Structure of the Earth System. Students examine the concept of permeability by carrying out an experiment to determine which types of soil produce puddles. 

This task includes: 
1. Task Description 
2. Teacher Instructions
3. Scoring Rubric
4. Scored Student Work

Performance Assessment Links in Math (PALM)

Science, Mathematics, Interdisciplinary

Grade Level
5, 6, 7, 8

Reaction Rates

In this task, students must measure and graph results between temperature and the reaction rate of a mixture. 

This task includes: 
1. Task Description 
2. Teacher Instructions
3. Scoring Rubric
4. Scored Student Work
5. Technical Quality Info

Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)


Grade Level
5, 6, 7, 8

Reaction Rates

In this task, students will observe and graph their results of the relationship between temperature and reaction rates of mixtures and then apply their knowledge to additional scenarios. 

This task includes: 
1. Task Description 
2. Student Instructions
3. Scoring Rubric
4. Scored Student Work
5. Technical Quality Info

Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)


Grade Level
5, 6, 7, 8

River Planning

In this task, students will simulate dam construction through an experiment and write about their observations. 

This task includes:
1. Task Description
2. Student Instructions
3. Scoring Rubric
4. Scored Student Work
5. Technical Quality Info


If you would like to recommend additional open-sourced performance task banks to be included in the database, or if you would like to report a broken link, please email Pai-rou Chen.