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National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Health and Physical Education

Grade Level
3, 7

Standing Long Jump

The Standing Long Jump task allows students to demonstrate their strength and coordination. Students will complete this task in open space. The resources required for this task are four bibs.

This task is a part of the Movement Concepts and Motor Skills task series from 2002. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7

Statistics Items A

The Statistics Items A task allows students to demonstrate their knowledge of combinations and probability  through multiple choice questions Students will complete this task working independently. There are no resources required for this task. 

This task is a part of the Algebra and Statistics task series from 2001. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7

Statistics Items B

The Statistics Items B task allows students to demonstrate their knowledge of probability and statistics through multiple choice and free-response style questions Students will complete this task working independently. There are no resources required for this task. 

This task is a part of the Algebra and Statistics task series from 2001. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Reading and Speaking

Grade Level
3, 7

Sticky Situation

The Sticky Situation task allows students to demonstrate their ability to role play and act out situations. Students will complete this task working in teams. The resources required for this task are two sets of role play cards.

This task is a part of the Oral Presentations task series from 1996 by NEMP.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Information Skills

Grade Level
3, 7

Stop Look Think

The Stop Look Think task allows students to demonstrate their ability to interpret visual information. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resource required for this task is a road traffic picture.

This task is a part of the Analyzing and Using Information task series from 2001. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Reading and Speaking

Grade Level
3, 7

Stories in Maori

The Stories in Maori task allows students to demonstrate their accuracy of oral reading in Maori. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resources required for this task are three story books in Maori.

This task is a part of the Oral Reading task series from 2000 by NEMP.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Listening & Viewing

Grade Level
3, 7


The Storm-Fish task allows students to demonstrate their ability to think critically about advertising. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resource required for this task is a picture. 

This task is a part of the Viewing task series from 2006. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7

Story Edit

The Story Edit task allows students to demonstrate their ability to edit grammar and spelling. Students will complete this task working in stations. There are no resources required for this task. 

This task is a part of the Writing Conventions task series from 2002 by NEMP.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7

Strawberry Patch

The Strawberry Patch task allows students to demonstrate their ability to choose appropriate materials to suit a particular purpose. Students will think about the best way to protect a strawberry garden from birds and will choose from five types of materials to cover the frame with. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resources required for this task are fave types of cover material, six types of fastener, a sample of frame material, a photo, and a plan of a frame.

This task is a part of the Technological Capabilities task series from 2000. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7

String Ping

The String Ping task allows students to predict, demonstrate and report the influence of the length and tension of a vibrating string on the sound produced. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. Resources required for this task include a spoon with a piece of string attached and a video showing how to use this apparatus to make sounds.

This task is a part of the Physical World task series from 1999 by NEMP. 


If you would like to recommend additional open-sourced performance task banks to be included in the database, or if you would like to report a broken link, please email Pai-rou Chen.