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National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7

Portrait Pairs

The Portrait Pairs task allows students to demonstrate their ability to identify and explain similarities and differences in a range of painting styles . Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resources required for this task are ten pictures.

This task is a part of the Responding to Art task series from 2003 by NEMP.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Listening & Viewing

Grade Level
3, 7


The Possums task allows students to demonstrate their ability to evaluate viewpoints and opinions. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resources required for this task are a video recording and a laptop computer.

This task is a part of the Listening task series from 2006. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7

Possums and Rabbits

The Possums and Rabbits task focuses on habitats and adaptation. Students will view a picture of a possum and a rabbit and think about the similarities and differences between the animals, where each animal lives, and how it lives. This task includes seven questions to ask the students. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. Resources required for this task are four pictures.

This task is a part of the Living World task series from 2003. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7


The Postcard task allows students to demonstrate their ability to write an informative postcard. Students will complete this task working in stations. The resource required for this task is a postcard.

This task is a part of the Functional Writing task series from 2002 by NEMP.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Listening & Viewing

Grade Level
3, 7


The Poster task allows students to demonstrate their ability to think critically about the intentions of visual messages. Students will complete this task working in stations. The resources required for this task are a poster and three stickers.

This task is a part of the Viewing task series from 2002 by NEMP.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7

Posting Parcels

The Posting Parcels task allows students to demonstrate their ability to measure weights and read a table. Students will weight packages and determine how much it would cost to send them to their destinations using a post table. Students will complete this task working in stations. The resources required for this task are three parcels, scales, a New Zealand Post table, and an answer booklet.

This task is a part of the Measurement task series from 2009. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7


The Potter task allows students to demonstrate their ability to construct a set of questions that would allow them to obtain information from an artist about the artist's work. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resources required for this task are a video recording, a laptop computer, a picture, and a recording book.

This task is a part of the Responding to Art task series from 2007. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

History/Social Studies

Grade Level
3, 7


The Powhiri task allows students to demonstrate their ability to describe cultural customs and traditions. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resources required for this task are a set of six pictures and a recording book.

This task is a part of the Culture and Heritage task series from 2005. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7

Print Making Process

The Print Making Process task allows students to demonstrate their understanding of and their ability to explain the processes and procedures of different print making techniques. Students will complete this task working in teams. The resources required for this task are an activity card of summarizing instructions and a set of randomly numbered photographs showing steps in four different print making processes.

This task is a part of the Responding to Art task series from 1995 by NEMP. 

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7

Puppet Make-Up

The Puppet Make-Up task allows students to demonstrate their ability to investigate and describe how a hand puppet has been designed and assembled. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resource required for this task is a parrot hand puppet.

This task is a part of the Technological Knowledge & Understanding task series from 2000. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.


If you would like to recommend additional open-sourced performance task banks to be included in the database, or if you would like to report a broken link, please email Pai-rou Chen.