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National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7


The Fractions task allows students to demonstrate their ability to calculate fractions through a worksheet. Students will complete this task working independently. The resource required for this task is an answer booklet.

This task is a part of the Number & Algebra task series from 2005 by NEMP.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7


The Fractions task allows students to demonstrate their ability to calculate fractions through a worksheet. Students will complete this task working independently. There are no resources required for this task.

This task is a part of the Number task series from 2001 by NEMP.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7


The Fractions task allows students to demonstrate their ability to calculate fractions through a worksheet. Students will complete this task working independently. There are no resources required for this task.

This task is a part of the Number task series from 1997 by NEMP.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Graphs, Tables, and Maps

Grade Level
3, 7

Free Time Favorites

The Free Time Favorites task allows students to demonstrate their ability to interpret a pictograph. Students will complete this task working in stations. The resource required for this task is a pictograph in a work book. 

This task is a part of the Interpretations of Graphs, Tables, and Maps task series from 2007. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Graphs, Tables, and Maps

Grade Level
3, 7

Fruit Chart

The Fruit Chart task allows students to demonstrate their ability to interpret a tree diagram. Students will complete this task working in stations. The resource required for this task is a diagram in a work book. 

This task is a part of the Interpretations of Graphs, Tables, and Maps task series from 2007. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Graphs, Tables, and Maps

Grade Level
3, 7

Fruit Chart

The Fruit Chart task allows students to demonstrate their ability to interpret a flow chart. Students will complete this task working in stations. The resource required for this task is a flow chart.

This task is a part of the Interpretation of Graphs, Tables, and Maps task series from 1995 by NEMP.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Information Skills

Grade Level
3, 7

Funny Taste

The Funny Taste task allows students to demonstrate their ability to select people to help and develop questions to ask. Students will complete this task working in teams. The resources required for this task are twelve small pictures of people and four answer sheets.

This task is a part of the Clarifying Information Needs task series from 2001 by NEMP.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Health and Physical Education

Grade Level
3, 7

Game Plan

The Game Plan task allows students to demonstrate their personal movement skills, their physical co-ordination, and their ability to manipulate equipment. Students will complete this task in teams. The resources required for this task are two soft balls, one large ball, a padder tennis bat, four mats, a pencil, a rules sheet, a checklist, and a evaluation sheet.

This task is a part of the Movement Skills task series from 1998.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7

Garden Grubs

In the Garden Grubs task, students will construct a food web. The computer program will present students with the start of a garden food web and the students will grab and drop animals into their correct place.   Students will complete this task working in stations. Resources required for this task include a computer program on a laptop computer.

The Garden Grubs task is a part of the Living World task series from 2007. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Information Skills

Grade Level
3, 7

Garden Patch

The Garden Patch task allows students to demonstrate their ability to analyze information, make a selection, and justify their selection. Students will complete this task working in stations. The resources required for this task are five flower facts cards.

This task is a part of the Finding and Using Information from Non-Book Resources task series from 1997 by NEMP.


If you would like to recommend additional open-sourced performance task banks to be included in the database, or if you would like to report a broken link, please email Pai-rou Chen.