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National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Health and Physical Education

Grade Level
3, 7

First Aid

In the First Aid task, students will watch a short video and discuss what they would be the most suitable first aid for an injury if it happened when there were no adults about.  Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resource required for this task is a video.

This task is a part of the Personal Health and Physical Development task series from 1998 by NEMP.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Listening & Viewing

Grade Level
3, 7

Fish n' Chips

The Fish n' Chips task allows students to demonstrate their ability to recall and present information. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resource required for this task is a video of TV news item about fish and chips.

This task is a part of the Listening task series from 1998. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7


The Fishing task allows students to demonstrate their ability to manage resources through an activity about fish factories. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resources required for this task are a video and a laptop computer. 

This task is a part of the Technology & Society task series from 2008. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7

Fishing Game

The Fishing Game task allows students to demonstrate their ability to investigate, apply, and evaluate design. Students will look at a children's toy and explain how it works. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resources required for this task are two fishing toy games (one dismantled and one in working order).

This task is a part of the Technological Knowledge & Understanding task series from 2008. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

Health and Physical Education

Grade Level
3, 7

Fit for Fun

The Fit for Fun task allows students to demonstrate their ability to create an exercise plan. Students will complete this task working in stations. The resources required for this task are a video recording and a laptop computer.

This task is a part of the Personal Health and Physical Development task series from 2002. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

History/Social Studies

Grade Level
3, 7

Flag Change

The Flag Change task allows students to demonstrate their understanding of changing images of cultural identity. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resources required for this task are a New Zealand Flag and a picture.

This task is a part of the Identity, Culture, Heritage task series from 2009. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)

History/Social Studies

Grade Level
3, 7


The Flags task allows students to demonstrate their understanding of symbols associated with a national identity. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. The resources required for this task are two pictures and a recording book.

This task is a part of the Culture and Heritage task series from 2005. This task is classified as a trend task by NEMP. Trend tasks are used to examine trends in student performance: whether they have improved, stayed constant or declined over the four-year period since the previous assessments.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7

Float or Sink

The Float or Sink task allows students to experiment and determine which materials float and which sink. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. Resources required for this task include three equally sized cubes (softwood, hardwood, aluminum), three equally weighted cuboids (brass, hardwood, aluminum), a laminated card labelled "sink" and "float", plasticine, water in a container, and paper towels.

This task is a part of the Material World task series from 1995 by NEMP.

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7

Floor Tiles

The Floor Tiles task allows students to demonstrate their ability to calculate and estimate areas. Students will be shown a tile and asked how many would be need to cover the area of various rooms.  Students will complete this task working in stations. The resources required for this task are a square tile, a ruler, and a pencil.

This task is a part of the Number task series from 1997 by NEMP. 

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA, New Zealand)


Grade Level
3, 7


The Flounder task allows students to observe a flounder and identify its features with adaptive significance to its habitat on the sandy bottom of the ocean. Students will watch a short video about a flounder and will then describe features that help the flounder live in its environment. Students will complete this task working one on one with a teacher-administrator. Resources required for this task are a videoclip of a flounder in its habitat and a device to play the video on.

This task is a part of the Living World task series from 1999 by NEMP. 


If you would like to recommend additional open-sourced performance task banks to be included in the database, or if you would like to report a broken link, please email Pai-rou Chen.